Mahmud, M. S., Gates, T. J., & Savolainen, P. T., & Safaei, B.. Evaluating Driver Response to a Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign at a Freeway Exit Ramp Considering the Sign Design Characteristics and Lateral Installation Position. Transportation Research Record. 2022. (Best Poster Award)
Gupta, N., Mahmud, M. S., Jashami, H., Savolainen, P. T., & Gates, T. J.. Evaluating the Impacts of Freeway Speed Limit Increases on Various Speed Measures: Comparisons between Free-Flow and Aggregate Vehicle Speeds. Transportation Research Record, 2022. (Best Paper Award)
Mahmud, M. S., Megat Johari, M. U., Bamney, A., Jashami, H., Gates, T. J., & Savolainen, P. T. Driver Response to a Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign at Speed Transition Zones along Rural Highways. Transportation Research Record. (Best Presentation Award)
Mahmud, M. S., Bamney, A., Megat Johari, M. U., Jashami, H., Gates, T. J., & Savolainen, P. T. Evaluating Driver Response to a Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign on Rural Highways Curves. Transportation Research Record, 2022.
Chakraborty, M., Mahmud, M. S., & Gates, T. (2022). Analysis of Trends and Correlation in Child Restraint Use and Seating Position of Child Passengers in Motor Vehicles: Application of a Bivariate Probit Model. Transportation Research Record.
Kay, J., Gates, T. J., Savolainen, P. T., & Mahmud, M. S., (2022). Safety Performance of Unsignalized Median U-Turn Intersections. Transportation Research Record.
Mahmud MS, Gupta N, Safaei B, et al. Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Increases on Rural Two-Lane Highways Using Quantile Regression. Transportation Research Record. 2021;2675(11):740-753. doi:10.1177/03611981211019732
Chakraborty M, Mahmud, M. S., Gates, T. J., Sinha, S. Analysis and Prediction of Human Mobility in the United States during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic using Regularized Linear Models. Transportation Research Record. January 2022. doi:10.1177/03611981211067794
Mahmud MS, Motz M, Holpuch T, et al. Driver Response to a Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign on Freeway Exit Ramps Based on Sign Location, Interchange Type, and Time of Day. Transportation Research Record. 2021;2675(10):1236-1247. doi:10.1177/03611981211015250. (Best Paper by a First Author Age 35 or Under)
Gates TJ, Mahmud MS, Ingle AJ, Motz M, Holpuch T, Savolainen PT. Evaluation of Alternative Messages and Sign Locations on Driver Response to a Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign on a Freeway Interchange Ramp. Transportation Research Record. 2020;2674(12):530-541. doi:10.1177/0361198120959076 (Best Paper Award)
Mahmud, M. S., Gates, T. J., & Savolainen, P. T. (2023). A Comprehensive Evaluation of Dynamic Speed Feedback Sign at a Freeway Exit Ramps. ITE Journal. (DANIEL B. FAMBRO STUDENT PAPER AWARD )
Mahmud, M. S., Gates, T. J., Megat Johari, M. U., Bamney, A., Jashami, H., & Savolainen, P. T. (2023). Do Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs Impact Drivers Differently Based on Speeding Tendencies? Insights from Applications at Select Critical Roadway Contexts. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Mahmud, M. S., Jashami, H., Megat Johari, M. U., Bamney, A., Gates, T. J., & Savolainen, P. T. (2023). Effects of Speed Feedback Trailer Positioning and Presence of Law Enforcement on Driver Behavior in Freeway Work Zone Lane Closures. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Keshari, S., Mahmud, M. S., Sakra, P., Overall, M., Babic, D., Gates, T. J., Savolainen, P. T. (2023). Evaluation of Bridge Deck Winter Weather Warning Systems. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Chakraborty, M., Mahmud, M. S., & Gates, T. (2023). Safety Impacts of Regulatory and Automated Variable Speed Limits. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. (Excellence in Highway Safety Data Award)
Kay, J., Gates, T. J., Savolainen, P. T., & Mahmud, M. S., (2023). Safety Performance of Signalized Median U-Turn Intersections. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.